Beams: rays of light; to radiate light; to shine; to smile expansively; to emit; to transmit;
the bar of a
balance; to support/brace against stress; on the right track.

Digital Photography and Art by DiDi Hendley. Now...Words.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Master of Edaun

My brother is a published author! Check out his book:
The Master of Edaun-Blood Brothers  by D.E. Hendley, Jr.

The Master of Edaun: Blood of Brothers 
The righteous warriors shall prevail! 

Three Native Americans meet in the military and discover their lives mirror:  Each were taught the artistry of weapons and have visions of medieval warfare. 

Each had twisted fathers, and each enjoyed the life as knights and swordsmanship. After their stints in the military, they decide to band together as archaeologist and discover another world. A world where evil rules. As they journey deep into a world where evil reigns, they wonder if their fathers were seers of the future...or do things really connect? Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. 

Available at in paperback or Kindle. Check it out and don't forget to give him a great review! :) 

So, for fun, (and because I'm the best little sis he has...) I created a little promo item for him...Thanks, Shutterfly!

View the entire collection of cards.